

Lab retreat 2024


After a year full of research and great results, it is always nice to meet together, discuss fresh ideas and have some fun. 
Nemojansky mlyn was a great venue with beautiful surroundings that allowed for some adveturous walk in forests.  

Find out more here.

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New paper on how heat stress impairs meiosis

Heat stress impairs centromere structure and segregation of meiotic chromosomes in Arabidopsis

more info: here

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Join our team! open position

PhD Student – Plant Biology cutting-edge research in plant biology.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2024

more info: here


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CEITEC MU Award 2023

Another successful year!

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Xmas Market 2023

Keeping the tradition and spending
some quality time outside of the lab.

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Lab retreat 2023

A successful brainstorming and
research summary for all our members.
Great stuff is comming!

Research areas



                                                                                                                          Photo: Valuchova, Raxwal, Tanasa

Telomeres and genome stability
Deciphering mechanisms of chromosome end protection ...

Regulation of meiosis
Understanding regulatory pathways that define the meiotic mode of chromosome segregation and application of this knowledge in plant breeding ...

Role of RNA decay in genome regulation
Investigating non-canonical functions of the proteins involved in nonsense mediated RNA decay ...


Join our team!
open position

PhD Student – Plant Biology
cutting-edge research in plant biology.
Application Deadline: February 28, 2024

more info: here

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CEITEC MU Award 2023

Another successful year!

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Xmas Market 2023

Keeping the tradition and spending
some quality time outside of the lab.

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Lab retreat 2023

A successful brainstorming and
research summary for all our members.
Great stuff is comming!

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Science!! We did it!

We are very happy that Albert et al.
made a huge discovery that got
recognized by Science Magazine!

Meiotic exit in Arabidopsis is
drivenby P-body–mediated
inhibition of translation

find out more here

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Karel and Jarda
celebrated 100!

congratulations from all lab members! 

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Future generations

We welcome or next scientific mind
Ester. All the best to our Kristina!

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Finally a Lab Retreat!

Despite all the COVID-19 restrictions during
the past months, science in our lab flourished.
Now we were finally able to meet in person
and share and discuss all the exciting
discoveries and ideas for the future. All in a
beautiful moravian vineyards of
Vinařství u Kapličky

You can read more​ here

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Paper in Plant Cell

Nonsense-mediated RNA Decay Factor 
UPF1 is Critical for Post-transcriptional
and Post-translational Gene Regulation
in Arabidopsis.

Congratulations Vivek!

You can read the paper here.

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Karel-EMBO member!

The prestigious European Molecular Biology
Organisation, EMBO, based in Heidelberg
(Germany) has officially announced
the names of its new members. 

You can read more here.

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New paper on NMD
in bioRxiv

Nonsense mediated RNA decay
factor UPF1 is critical for post-
transcriptional and translational gene
regulation in Arabidopsis.

Congratulations Vivek!

You can read the paper here.

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Paper on live imaging

photo credit: Martin Indruch 

Published in eLife! Our story on imaging
germline differentiation from Bioarxiv
got peer reviewed and we even got a lot
of attention from media thanks to our PR
department! Now we celebrate!

eLife paper here.

MUNI magasine here.

Czech TV here.

Novinky here.

Cesky rozhlas Ranni Plus 8:30.

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We have a PhD talent!

Congratulations to our PhD student
Ing. Mgr. Kristina Tuckova for winning
the #BrnoPhDTalent competition!

You can read more here.

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New generation of scientists

Congratulations Albert! Another baby boy
from our labratory - Adam. Thumbs up for
raising new generation of critical thinkers!

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New paper on live imaging

"Imaging plant germline differentiation
within Arabidopsis flower by light sheet
" starts a new era in our lab.
We tuned light sheet microscopy to see
processes like male and female meiosis
and push our ongoing research further.
We also hope to contribue to the general
field development. The paper is available
on the Biorxiv and is popular on twitter.

You can read the paper here.

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Poster prize at Meiosis 2019!

Pavlina and Albert presented our research
during the EMBO Meiosis 2019 meeting.
Our live imaging data caught the attention
and Pavlina was awarded a poster prize!

For more read Conferences

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Another lab member :)

Welcome Gregor! Anna, good job!

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Quanta  Magazine

Unexpected ‘Germline’ Plant Cells May
 Shield New Generations

Our work was featured in the popular
science Quanta magazine.

For more read Here.

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Summer students

We love to welcome young talents from
all around the world to share our passion
for plant molecular biology. Arthur
Astapenka and Anastasiia Kovalenko
coming through the Erasmus program.

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Celebrating 5 years in Brno!!

Five very successful years in Brno! Exciting
stories are ready to be published! This
year will be very fruitful and we are looking
forward for more to come!

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Lidove noviny

Commenting the work of our friend
Ales Pecinka in Lidove noviny.

For more see Media.

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24th RNA Society meeting

Vivek (talk) and Neha (poster) represented
the RNA part of our laboratory research
in Krakow, PL.

For more see Conferences.

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 Plant Direct Paper!

artMAP: A user-friendly tool for
mapping ethyl methanesulfonate
-induced mutations in Arabidopsis.

For more see Publications or NCBI.

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Life Sci Alliance Paper!

Molecular characterization of Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii telomeres and telomerase mutants

For more see Publications or NCBI.

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Lab Retreat

In May we went for our annual lab retreat
to discuss our progress and future plans.
A lot of great stories are cooking in our lab!
This time we visited Salzburg, Austria.

For more see Lab activites.

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The first Brno-Lab baby

Our web updates slowed down for a
moment, because Sona got her first son!
New generation of scientists is coming.
Welcome Eliot!

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Christmas market Brno 2018

Another successful year finished with our
annual Christmas market visit! Mulled wine,
cold air, decorations, a lot of discussions
and a delicious dinner and beer at the
Charlie's square restaurant.

For more see Lab activites.

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Front. Plant Sci. paper!!!

Functional Characterization of SMG7
Paralogs in Arabidopsis thaliana.

For more see Publications or NCBI.

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New tool artMAP!!

In collaboration with Artin company our
lab developed a user-friendly tool for
mapping MS-induced mutations in
Arabidopsis. Article was published on and soon became popular
on twitter! Come and test for yourself!

For more see Resources / Tools.

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Visiting student from VIB

We had the honour to host a PhD
student from VIB Manon Demulder.
We showed her how she can use the
PIFE method we developed to study
DNA-protein interactions. She shared
with us her cool project.

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Lab retreat

Once again we all met and discussed
all research topics in a condensed
retreat in Vir. We got fresh ideas, played
bowling and visited a nearby dam.

For more see  Lab activites.

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Poster award

Neha got the poster award at the
   Nucleic acids and immunity conference
  in Brno for the poster: "Functional
characterizationof SMG7 paralogues in
Arabidopsis thaliana." 

   For more see Conferences.

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First Master's defensio in Brno!

Kristina Tuckova was awarded a Master's degree
for her thesis: "Role of evolutionary conserved
Mo25 activator in regulation of plant CIPK kinases."
in the Biochemistry programme. We celebrated!

For more see Lab activities

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SelectScience Editorial Article

A New Streamlined Method for DNA
Repair and Telomere Stability
. Jaroslav gave
an interview with SelectScience about our
new developed method mwPIFE.

For more see SelectScience.

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Christmas market Brno

Our extended team enjoyed the
traditional lab visit of the Christmas
market. Mulled wine and delicious Indian
dinner at the Namaskar restaurant. 

For more see Lab activites.

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Lab Retreat

Our annual Lab retreat took place at 
Vranov nad Dyjí. We discussed our
research, brainstormed ideas and took
a lovely walk through the beautiful 

Podyjí national park in South Moravia region.

For more see Lab activites.

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Plant Cell paper!

Protection of Arabidopsis blunt-ended
telomeres is mediated by a physical
association with the Ku heterodimer.

For more see Publications or NCBI.

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Happy Holi!

This weekend we got introduced to
the Holi - a Hindu spring festival full
of colors and joy and great Indian food.

 For more see Lab activities.

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 Lidove noviny

Our lab was awarded a big grant
from Ministry of Education and it was
featured in the newspaper Lidove noviny!
Sorin translated the article here  

For more see Media.

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  Labmeeting on Ice

Instead of regular labmeeting, Jaroslav
   took all the gear and we used the
   frozen Brno dam for teambuilding. 

   For more see Lab activities. 

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  Scientific Reports paper

Protein induced fluorescence
   enhancement (PIFE) allowed us to
   develop a new method for rapid  
   detecting protein-nucleic acid

   For more see Publications or NCBI.

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  Christmas market Brno

Another eddition of our traditional lab
   outing. Enjoying mulled wine and
   celebrating papers and grants over

  For more see Lab activities. 

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  Poster award

Vivek got the poster award at the
   Nucleic acids and immunity conference
  in Brno for the work on plant immunity. 

   For more see Conferences